Interactor User Defined Automation Configuration and Execution API (6.0.5)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The API allows configuration and execution of Interactor user automation.
Create a new user
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
Request Body schema: application/json
string | |
password | string |
name | string |
source | string |
source_id | string |
authorization | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
confirmed_at | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "name": "my_user"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697"
Update a single user
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
user_id required | string Example: testUserId User ID in path. |
Request Body schema: application/json
string | |
password | string |
name | string |
source | string |
source_id | string |
authorization | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
confirmed_at | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated user"
Execute automation manualy
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
automation_id required | string Example: e343bfea-06b6-4da2-a8f8-2bb57e135eaf Automation ID. |
automation_version_id required | string Example: 1be79b21-487f-4cee-a744-261566077859 Automation Version ID. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{- "input": {
- "test-input": "test"
Response samples
- 200
{- "input": {
- "test-input": "test"
}, - "output": "test-output"
Execute action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
@type | string |
service | string |
serviceVersion | string |
action | string |
input | object |
serviceTokenId | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "@type": "action",
- "service": "gmail",
- "serviceVersion": "1.0.0",
- "action": "email.send",
- "actionVersion": "1.0.0",
- "input": {
- "to": [
- ""
], - "subject": "test subject",
- "body": "hello"
}, - "serviceTokenId": "6b01414-f3e8-468b-ad27-0388dc0bee5c"
Response samples
- 200
{- "historyId": 41227,
- "id": "1900bbb747117896",
- "internalDate": 1718183752000,
- "labelIds": [
- "sent"
], - "message_info": {
- "bcc": [ ],
- "body": "hello",
- "to": [
- ""
], - "subject": "test subject"
}, - "sizeEstimate": 111,
- "snippet": "hello",
- "threadId": "asdasd111"
Get user subscriptions for a given userId
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1290/v1/subscription?' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'api_key: default' \
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "97c73ca1-3941-4418-a32b-d5b46240911d",
- "platform": "interactor",
- "service": "googlecalendar",
- "service_token": "0fcc076c-02dd-4ebb-9408-ba3826feb717",
- "service_version": 0,
- "trigger": "event.created",
- "variables": {
- "calendar": ""
Create new subscription with given body parameters
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Schema not providedResponses
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "id": "97c73ca1-3941-4418-a32b-d5b46240911d",
- "platform": "interactor",
- "service": "googlecalendar",
- "service_token": "0fcc076c-02dd-4ebb-9408-ba3826feb717",
- "service_version": 0,
- "trigger": "event.created",
- "variables": {
- "calendar": ""
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "id": "e343bfea-06b6-4da2-a8f8-2bb57e135eaf"
Delete a subscription for a given subscription id
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
subscription_id required | string Example: e343bfea-06b6-4da2-a8f8-2bb57e135eaf Subscription ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:1290/v1/subscription/97c73ca1-3941-4418-a32b-d5b46240911d' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'api_key: default' \
Get datatypes for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/datatype?byName=true&userId=testUserId' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "423f0be1-c1e0-4c3c-b90f-efcb8b327fde",
- "name": "TestDataType",
- "createdBy": "7cf64390-412d-4d37-9d5e-b8c36237a580",
- "insertedAt": "2024-04-24T08:12:45",
- "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T08:12:45",
- "updatedBy": "7cf64390-412d-4d37-9d5e-b8c36237a580",
- "serviceId": "a2c8137a-a688-471c-aa45-8cadafda003c"
Create a new datatype for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
name | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "TestDataType"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57"
Get versions for a given datatype
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/datatype/GoogleCalendarAttendee/version?byName=true' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "9b757d78-446e-4e6a-9a66-fb06c322a531",
- "name": "0",
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "email"
], - "properties": {
- "additionalGuests": {
- "type": "integer"
}, - "comment": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "type": "string",
- "x-dataType": "GoogleConnection",
- "x-dataTypePath": [
- "emailAddresses",
- 0,
- "value"
], - "x-dataTypeVersion": "0"
}, - "optional": {
- "type": "boolean"
}, - "resource": {
- "type": "boolean"
}, - "responseStatus": {
- "enum": [
- "needsAction",
- "declined",
- "tentative",
- "accepted"
}, - "logic": { },
- "createdBy": "5ec3fdcd-8ab0-4123-b8d8-91ce922cb955",
- "insertedAt": "2024-04-16T00:45:53",
- "updatedAt": "2024-04-16T00:45:53",
- "updatedBy": "5ec3fdcd-8ab0-4123-b8d8-91ce922cb955",
- "datatypeId": "41173e9d-dd0f-4fbc-99f9-3afcf4aef731"
Create a new version for a given datatype
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
datatype_id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "name": "1.0.0",
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "label": {
- "en": "test",
- "ko": "테스트"
}, - "type": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29"
Delete a single version of datatype
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
datatype_version_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/datatype/GoogleCalendar/version/0?byName=true&userId=testUserId' \ --header 'api_key: default' \
Get a single version of datatype
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
datatype_version_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype Version ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/datatype/GoogleCalendarAttendee/version?byName=true' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "9b757d78-446e-4e6a-9a66-fb06c322a531",
- "name": "1.0.0",
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "email"
], - "properties": {
- "additionalGuests": {
- "type": "integer"
}, - "comment": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "email": {
- "type": "string",
- "x-dataType": "GoogleConnection",
- "x-dataTypePath": [
- "emailAddresses",
- 0,
- "value"
], - "x-dataTypeVersion": "0"
}, - "optional": {
- "type": "boolean"
}, - "resource": {
- "type": "boolean"
}, - "responseStatus": {
- "enum": [
- "needsAction",
- "declined",
- "tentative",
- "accepted"
}, - "logic": { },
- "createdBy": "5ec3fdcd-8ab0-4123-b8d8-91ce922cb955",
- "insertedAt": "2024-04-16T00:45:53",
- "updatedAt": "2024-04-16T00:45:53",
- "updatedBy": "5ec3fdcd-8ab0-4123-b8d8-91ce922cb955",
- "datatypeId": "41173e9d-dd0f-4fbc-99f9-3afcf4aef731"
Update a single version of datatype
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
datatype_version_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
datatype_id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "2"
Execute datatype version manualy
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
datatype_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype ID. |
datatype_version_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Datatype Version ID. |
Request Body schema: application/json
serviceTokenId required | string |
input | object |
serviceVersionId | string If serviceVersionId is not included, a default version Id will be added. |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "serviceTokenId": "8a0955f8-adbc-4e87-a692-6342575efc25",
- "input": { }
Response samples
- 200
{- "items": [
- {
- "label": "Birthdays",
- "value": ""
}, - {
- "label": "",
- "value": ""
}, - {
- "label": "Holidays in United States",
- "value": ""
Get tokens for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/a2c8137a-a688-471c-aa45-8cadafda003c/token?userId=testUserId' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "327b303e-d0aa-4898-91f9-05f6cc34e2f7",
- "name": ""
Create a new token for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
type required | string Enum: "oauth" "api_key" |
name required | string Token name |
token required | string Token value |
code | string oauth code |
token_type | string oauth type is Bearer, api_key does not have a token_type |
refresh_token | string oauth refresh token |
service_url | string service url |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "oauth",
- "name": "",
- "token": "iwKICJleHAiOiAxMzExMjgxOTcwLAogImlhdCI6IDEzMTEyODA5Nz",
- "code": "OTcwLAogImlhdC",
- "token_type": "Bearer",
- "refresh_token": "1/0xJU",
- "service_url": "hello"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "c6d6c3e3-b5b3-41d1-9393-54cc79fec492"
Delete a single token
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
token_id required | string Example: c6d6c3e3-b5b3-41d1-9393-54cc79fec492 Token ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single token
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
token_id required | string Example: c6d6c3e3-b5b3-41d1-9393-54cc79fec492 Token ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "8ecef3d6-cee1-49d3-8802-cf6a2e7ad369",
- "name": "MY_TOKEN"
Update a single token
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
token_id required | string Example: c6d6c3e3-b5b3-41d1-9393-54cc79fec492 Token ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
type | string Enum: "oauth" "api_key" |
name | string Token name |
token | string Token value |
code | string oauth code |
token_type | string oauth type is Bearer, api_key does not have a token_type |
refresh_token | string oauth refresh token |
service_url | string service url |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated token"
Get service oauth url by id
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/cc14ee5f-cd82-4757-a95e-b12d1e9eb8c7/version/42afd2c7-817f-45d5-a747-34507559807c/oauth?userId=testUserId' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "enabled": true,
- "id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "name": "googlecalendar",
- "type": "0",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "platform_id": "interactor",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "sharing": "none",
- "icon": "1",
- "display_order": 100
Create a new service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
platform_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
sharing | string |
icon | string |
display_order | string |
enabled | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "MY_SERVICE",
- "platform_id": "interactor",
- "enabled": true,
- "sharing": "none",
- "type": "0"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "e343bfea-06b6-4da2-a8f8-2bb57e135eaf"
Get user service by id
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "enabled": true,
- "id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "name": "googlecalendar",
- "type": "0",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "platform_id": "interactor",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "sharing": "none",
- "icon": "1",
- "display_order": 100
Update service details
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
platform_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
sharing | string |
icon | string |
display_order | string |
enabled | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated service"
Get versions for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/42afd2c7-817f-45d5-a747-34507559807c/version' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "93ae2586-5ad3-4b18-93dc-3b41aa2f0721",
- "name": "1",
- "auth": {
- "accessToken": {
- "form": {
- "client_id": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "platformServiceVariable",
- "variable": "oauth_client_id"
}, - "client_secret": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "platformServiceVariable",
- "variable": "oauth_client_secret"
}, - "code": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "source",
- "path": [
- "code"
}, - "grant_type": "authorization_code",
- "redirect_uri": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "source",
- "path": [
- "redirect_uri"
}, - "headers": {
- "accept": "application/json",
- "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
}, - "method": "post",
}, - "authorization": {
- "method": "get",
- "parameter": {
- "client_id": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "platformServiceVariable",
- "variable": "oauth_client_id"
}, - "scope": ""
}, - "refreshToken": {
- "form": {
- "client_id": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "platformServiceVariable",
- "variable": "oauth_client_id"
}, - "client_secret": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "platformServiceVariable",
- "variable": "oauth_client_secret"
}, - "grant_type": "refresh_token",
- "refresh_token": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "source",
- "path": [
- "refresh_token"
}, - "headers": {
- "accept": "application/json",
- "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
}, - "method": "post",
}, - "userInfo": {
- "headers": {
- "Authorization": ""
}, - "method": "get",
- "namePath": [
- "email"
}, - "variables": {
- "oauth_client_id": {
- "schema": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "oauth_client_secret": {
- "schema": {
- "type": "string"
}, - "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "setting": {
- "webhook": {
- "input": {
- "Content type": "application/json",
- "Payload URL": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "webhookService"
}, - "Secret": {
- "@type": "reference",
- "category": "webhookSecret"
}, - "type": "automation"
}, - "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "auth_type": "oauthv2"
Create a new version of service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
auth | object (serviceAuth) |
variables | object (serviceVariables) |
inserted_at | string |
setting | object (serviceSetting) |
created_by | string |
updated_at | string |
updated_by | string |
service_id | string |
auth_type | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff",
- "name": "2"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff"
Delete a single version of service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single version of service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff",
- "name": "2",
- "auth": { },
- "variables": { },
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "setting": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "auth_type": ""
Update a single version of service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
auth | object (serviceAuth) |
variables | object (serviceVariables) |
inserted_at | string |
setting | object (serviceSetting) |
created_by | string |
updated_at | string |
updated_by | string |
service_id | string |
auth_type | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "11"
Get variables for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "3d050434-9708-4045-a727-14304e8ea1c7",
- "name": "oauth_client_id",
- "type": "",
- "value": "_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697"
Create a new variable for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
value | string |
inserted_at | string |
created_by | string |
updated_at | string |
updated_by | string |
service_id | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5",
- "name": "MY_VARIABLE"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5"
Delete a single variable
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
variable_id required | string Example: 339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5 Variable ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single variable
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
variable_id required | string Example: 339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5 Variable ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5",
- "name": "MY_VARIABLE",
- "type": "",
- "value": "",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697"
Update a single variable
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
variable_id required | string Example: 339453cd-f297-4cda-ae2b-379f2026b3b5 Variable ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
value | string |
inserted_at | string |
created_by | string |
updated_at | string |
updated_by | string |
service_id | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated variable"
Get actions for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/action?byName=true&expand=true' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "8e169418-71ad-4803-8eb0-425119bf47ae",
- "name": "event.create",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Create a new action for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57",
- "name": "MY_ACTION"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57"
Delete a single action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57",
- "name": "MY_ACTION",
- "service_id": "3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Update a single action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated action"
Get versions for a given action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/a2c8137a-a688-471c-aa45-8cadafda003c/action/00ffe293-db50-40fe-8654-31b2c512fd9d/version' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "action_id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Create a new version for a given action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
action_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29"
Delete a single version of action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single version of action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "action_id": "bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Update a single version of action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
action_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "2"
Execute action version manualy
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{- "input": {
- "test-input": "test"
Response samples
- 200
{- "input": {
- "test-input": "test"
}, - "output": "test-output"
Refresh variables with new inputs
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
required | Array of objects (step) |
targetField required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
{- "step": [
- {
- "title": "Aproject",
- "x-dataType": "JiraProject",
- "x-dataTypeVersion": "0",
- "x-default-input-type": "chooser",
- "x-label": {
- "en": "Jira Project",
- "ko": "지라 프로젝트"
}, - "x-required": true,
- "value": {
- "id": "10000",
- "key": "TEST"
}, - {
- "title": "issueType",
- "x-dataType": "JiraIssueType",
- "x-dataTypeVersion": "0",
- "x-default-input-type": "chooser",
- "x-label": {
- "en": "Issue Type",
- "ko": "이슈 타입"
}, - "x-onChange": {
- "refreshVariables": true
}, - "x-required": true,
- "value": {
- "description": "Epics track collections of related bugs, stories, and tasks.",
- "id": "10002",
- "name": "Epic"
], - "targetField": "issueType"
Response samples
- 200
{- "input": {
- "test-input": "test"
}, - "output": "test-output"
Get conditions for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "7b588029-c2d9-4453-8c10-cf6ba0c81fe1",
- "name": "array.count.equal",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Create a new condition for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e",
- "name": "MY_CONDITION"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e"
Delete a single condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e",
- "name": "MY_CONDITION",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Update a single condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated condition"
Get versions for a given condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "condition_id": "809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Create a new version for a given condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
condition_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
condition_target | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603"
Delete a single version of condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
condition_version_id required | string Example: 7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603 Condition Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single version of condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
condition_version_id required | string Example: 7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603 Condition Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "condition_id": "809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Update a single version of condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
condition_version_id required | string Example: 7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603 Condition Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
condition_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
condition_target | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "2"
Get events for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "e48694bc-212e-4c96-8f2a-b26b65cd639e",
- "name": "sample.event",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Create a new event for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e",
- "name": "MY_EVENT"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e"
Delete a single event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e",
- "name": "MY_EVENT",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Update a single event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated event"
Get versions for a given event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "event_id": "62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Create a new version for a given event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
event_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f"
Delete a single version of event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
event_version_id required | string Example: ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f Event Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single version of event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
event_version_id required | string Example: ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f Event Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "event_id": "62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Update a single version of event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
event_version_id required | string Example: ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f Event Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
event_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "2"
Get triggers for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/googlecalendar/trigger?byName=true' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "e48694bc-212e-4c96-8f2a-b26b65cd639e",
- "name": "sample.trigger",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Create a new trigger for a given service
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c",
- "name": "MY_TRIGGER"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c"
Delete a single trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c",
- "name": "MY_TRIGGER",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_id": "47df3044-5675-4375-afe4-5c53affeb3dc"
Update a single trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
service_id | string |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "updated trigger"
Get versions for a given trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "trigger_id": "23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Create a new version for a given trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
trigger_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509"
Delete a single version of trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
trigger_version_id required | string Example: 7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509 Trigger Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get a single version of trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
trigger_version_id required | string Example: 7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509 Trigger Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509",
- "name": "1",
- "logic": {
- "@type": "flow",
- "operation": "return",
- "value": 123
}, - "schema": { },
- "created_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "updated_by": "user-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "trigger_id": "23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c",
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00"
Update a single version of trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
trigger_version_id required | string Example: 7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509 Trigger Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | string |
name | string |
logic | object (logic) |
schema | object (schema) |
created_by | string |
updated_by | string |
trigger_id | string |
inserted_at | string |
updated_at | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "2"
Get action versions for a given service version
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
Request samples
- Curl
curl --location 'http://localhost:1290/v1/service/a2c8137a-a688-471c-aa45-8cadafda003c/version/42afd2c7-817f-45d5-a747-34507559807c/action?userId=testUserId' \ --header 'api_key: default'
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_version_id": "93ae2586-5ad3-4b18-93dc-3b41aa2f0721",
- "action_version_id": "10278d84-61d7-4ba1-85dd-d17262590410"
Create a new version link for service and action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Delete a single version link for service and action
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
action_id required | string Example: bfd3b7c6-23e2-493f-a934-b61287b19e57 Action ID. |
action_version_id required | string Example: 2043154b-2839-481d-ab6d-f3aea05c3a29 Action Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get condition versions for a given service version
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_version_id": "93ae2586-5ad3-4b18-93dc-3b41aa2f0721",
- "condition_version_id": "98a85a60-88ed-4540-84fa-2b7468e0bdde"
Create a new version link for service and condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
condition_version_id required | string Example: 7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603 Condition Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Delete a single version link for service and condition
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
condition_id required | string Example: 809653ba-440f-439a-b8c1-dd98ea1e814e Condition ID. |
condition_version_id required | string Example: 7786423f-6150-413a-a396-06c02c709603 Condition Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get event versions for a given service version
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_version_id": "93ae2586-5ad3-4b18-93dc-3b41aa2f0721",
- "event_version_id": "f45f4914-68bb-467e-911c-85a2d9303a6f"
Create a new version link for service and event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
event_version_id required | string Example: ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f Event Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Delete a single version link for service and event
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
event_id required | string Example: 62d4cdc8-8e99-40f9-a6de-851cc377463e Event ID. |
event_version_id required | string Example: ee971c9c-952f-43d4-b91a-cdad2ef0c12f Event Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Get trigger versions for a given service version
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "inserted_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "created_by": "my_user",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00",
- "updated_by": "my_user",
- "service_version_id": "93ae2586-5ad3-4b18-93dc-3b41aa2f0721",
- "trigger_version_id": "200ef94c-8a59-4318-a1b7-89faa96edcd0"
Create a new version link for service and trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
trigger_version_id required | string Example: 7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509 Trigger Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Delete a single version link for service and trigger
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
service_id required | string Example: 3e31f412-9336-46bf-9ef9-f0793c878697 Service ID. |
service_version_id required | string Example: 096973e7-7801-40d4-8198-d18f1a3e83ff Service Version ID. |
trigger_id required | string Example: 23c299ad-ac41-46ce-99b1-67c9da3d2f7c Trigger ID. |
trigger_version_id required | string Example: 7613cfd4-633e-44b3-b8b9-5f356b023509 Trigger Version ID. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=testUserId User ID in query. |
Test logic based on given table
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
Request Body schema: application/json
table | string |
id | string |
record_path | Array of arrays |
data | object |
source | Array of arrays |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "table": "ActionVersion",
- "id": "c769d0d9-aedb-44a8-beb4-ac9295ecbeca",
- "data": {
- "string": "abc",
- "pattern": "b",
- "replacement": "d"
}, - "source": [
- "execute"
Response samples
- 200
Test notification based on given request
path Parameters
api_version required | string Example: v1 Interactor API Version. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Schema not providedResponses
Request samples
- Payload
{- "body": "",
- "connection": {
- "peer": {
- "ip": "",
- "port": 37114
}, - "socket": {
- "ip": "",
- "port": 8080
}, - "cookie": { },
- "header": {
- "accept": "*/*",
- "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
- "connection": "close",
- "content-length": "0",
- "host": "autoflow:8080",
- "user-agent": "APIs-Google; (+",
- "x-goog-channel-expiration": "Mon, 1 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT",
- "x-goog-channel-id": "0",
- "x-goog-channel-token": "",
- "x-goog-message-number": "16212",
- "x-goog-resource-id": "_GOOGLE_RESOURCE_ID_",
- "x-goog-resource-state": "exists",
- "x-goog-resource-uri": ""
}, - "method": "post",
- "path": {
- "platform_id": "interactor"
}, - "query": {
- "state": "_STATE_"